Frequently Asked Questions
Browse the FAQs below to find answers to your questions. If you can’t find what your seeking, or have a recommendation, email the Board of Directors at [email protected].
IoW County Volunteer Rescue Squad Auxiliary Reflective Address Markers
Homeowners can purchase reflective address markers from the Isle of Wight County Volunteer Rescue Squad Auxiliary. For additional information, please refer to the guidance on the News & Information page.
Are “Open House” Signs Allowed in GPCA
“Open House” signs are permitted within GPCA but they must be approved prior to installation. Homeowners or Real Estate Agents who desire to place “Open House” signs in GPCA Common Area (area managed by GPCA), must submit a request and receive approval prior to installing any signs.
The Uniform Sign Policy Resolution (dated June 23, 2023), recital R-4.1.b., covers this topic. To submit a request for approval to place “Open House” signs in GPCA, complete and submit an application for review.
What is the Isle of Wight Emergency Alert System and how do I register to receive notifications?
IWAlert, Isle of Wight’s Emergency Alert Notification System, provides you with critical information quickly in a variety of situations, such as severe weather, unexpected road closures, missing persons and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods.
Visit the IWAlert page for additional information and to register to receive notifications.
What is the history of Gatling Pointe?
What we know of Gatling Pointe today started to take root in 1988. However, the history of the land predates our Community by many, many years. Read more about the history of Gatling Pointe and how the land that it was born from has connections to things that make Smithfield known near and far.
Can I put signs in my yard? If so, are there restrictions regarding timeframe or type?
Signs are allowed on homeowner property only, but there are limitations regarding the type and when they are allowed. The Uniform Sign Regulation covers the use of signs on property throughout Gatling Pointe.
Who should I contact for concerns in and around the Community (e.g., speeding vehicles, loud parties?)
For matters that are directly related to the safety or well-being of residents of Gatling Pointe, the Isle of Wight Sheriff’s Office should be contacted at their non-emergency number – (757) 357-2151. Dial 911 for all emergencies.
Additional contact information for the Isle of Wight Sheriff’s Office is available on their webpage.
Why am I receiving a letter for trash cans, uncut grass, mailboxes, exterior painting/home repair, etc.?
GPCA is governed by Covenants that are meant to ensure it is aesthetically pleasing and functionally convenient. Violations aren’t designed or intended to harass the homeowner; rather they provide all homeowners in the Community the assurance of equal application and enforcement of certain objective standards.
How do I file a complaint?
Complaints can be filed through use of the Association Complaint Form.
Does GPCA have a Neighborhood Watch Program?
Yes. Information about the program, including how to become active in it, can be found on the Neighborhood Watch Program page.
Can I install a dock/pier if my home is on the water?
An amendment to the Covenants removed the prohibition against installation of docks and piers on resident property from the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Applicable to all Property in Gatling Pointe (Article II, Section 10). However, this is contingent upon the owner receiving prior written permission from the Board of Directors and the installation complies with all applicable laws.
Who is GPCA’s management group and what are its responsibilities?
United Property Associates (UPA) is the management group that oversees the day-to-day business needs of GPCA. The assigned Property Manager, Casey Lindblad, carries out myriad duties in this effort. Additional information about our property manager and the associated responsibilities can be found on the UPA Property Management page.
When are assessments due and how do I pay them?
Assessments are due quarterly in January, April, July, and October. There are multiple options available to pay and each are covered in detail below.
Beginning in June 2024, UPA began a transition to a partnership with CINC Systems and BankUnited to provide GPCA’s payment processing, banking, and web services. The announcement, dated June 6, 2024, is available for reference here.
As part of the transition, the following payment options are available to Homeowners:
Online Payments: Homeowners can make online payments using either e-check or credit cards. To make payments, please visit This website has been specifically designed to allow the convenience of making payments online and accessing account information. On the first visit to the website, registration is required. Simply click on the “Register” button and complete the information required. Once the registration request is reviewed and validated, an email will be received with a link to set the password. Homeowners can then log in with their email address and new password to make payments and access information about their community.
Online Recurring Payments: The website also allows Homeowners to set up automatic recurring payments. To set up recurring payments, log into the account and then click the “Pay Assessments” link. On the “Pay Assessments” page, Homeowners can choose to set up the recurring payments for echecks or credit card by clicking on the “New Recurring Echeck” or “New Recurring Credit Card” link.
Lockbox Service: Homeowners receive new payment coupons in the mail each year. The address for mailing payments accompanied by a coupon is listed below. When writing your check, please make sure to make it payable to your association and include your property address on the memo line.
Bill Payment Service: If Homeowners would like to pay assessments using an online bill payment service or a personal bank’s online payment service, the information below must be used. This will ensure payments are posted promptly.
Gatling Pointe Community Association INC
c/o UPA
PO Box 2339
Secaucus, NJ 07096-2339

Can I park a boat/camper/recreational vehicle on my property?
Boats, Trailers, and Recreational Vehicles shall not be parked in driveways or on the street, but may be kept in garages or parked on the rear of the lots provided that they are not visible from the street. The loading and unloading of recreational vehicles in the driveway is permitted, but shall not exceed 24 hours each, per week. Requests for longer stays due to special circumstances must be made in writing, and are subject to approval from the Board of Directors.
If there is a need for a deviation from this rule, a request should be made to the Board of Directors with all of the particulars noted so that an informed decision can be made based upon your request.
How can I help the GPCA?
There are many opportunities to help the GPCA, from volunteering to serve on the Architecture Review Board to welcoming new neighbors to the Community. Visit the Volunteering Opportunities section of News & Information page to learn more and to contact the POC for an area you might be interested in.
What is the purpose of the HOA?
The following is an excerpt of the Articles of Incorporation, which can be viewed in its entirety.
The name of the corporation is Gatling Pointe Community Association, Inc., and its sole purposes and powers are as follows:
To manage, maintain, and care for the Common Properties in the planned community development known as Gatling Pointe, located in Isle of Wight county, Virginia, and to assess, collect and disburse the charges due the Corporation from its Members, as hereinafter provided.
To acquire (by gift, purchase or otherwise), own, hold, improve, build upon, operate, maintain, sell, lease, transfer, mortgage, encumber, dedicate for public use or otherwise dispose of real or personal property in connection with the affairs of the Corporation.
To do any and all things and acts that the Corporation, from time to time, in its discretion, may deem to be for the benefit of the Common Properties and the Members, or advisable, proper or convenient for the promotion of the peace, health, comfort, safety or general welfare of such Members, and to conduct any and all business that a Corporation organized.under the Virginia Nonstock corporation Act by law may now or hereafter conduct and have or exercise all powers rights and privileges that are not required to be specifically set forth in these Articles.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Articles, the Corporation shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by a homeowners association exempt from federal income tax under section 528 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future Internal Revenue law.
Is there a nearby dump/recycling center?
Yes; in fact, there are several in Isle of Wight County. The closest to Gatling Pointe, however, is the Jones Creek Refuse and Recycling Center. For a complete listing of all the centers in the county, as well as hours of operation and guides to assist you using the centers, visit the Isle of Wight Refuse and Recycling Center web page.
When is garbage collected in Gatling Pointe?
GFL Environmental, the county-negotiated contract service that collects waste for residents of Gatling Point, collects waste on Fridays. Be aware that the schedule may be adjusted due to major holidays occurring on the scheduled pickup day or during the week. Unscheduled events may also require the scheduled pickup date to be adjusted as well.
If you would like to confirm the date for pickup, simply go to GFL Environmental’s website to access the pickup schedule. For additional information, please contact customer service at 757-487-2220.
As a reminder, trash containers may be placed curbside the evening prior to the scheduled collection date and shall be returned the screened area of the property by the morning of the day following collection.
My mailbox needs to be repaired/replaced. Who can I contact for assistance?
Vendors who are recommend by GPCA to repair/replace mailboxes to the Association’s specifications are located on the News & Information page within the Mailbox Information section. For the do-it-yourselfers, paint formulas can be found there as well if all your mailbox needs is a fresh coat of paint.
Does Isle of Wight County allow open burning?
Yes, Isle of Wight County does allow open burning. Gatling Pointe is not within a development service district (DSD) and there is very specific guidance for open burning. If open burning is being considered, it is recommended that homeowners become familiar with guidelines set forth by the Office of the Fire Official and accompanying ordinances.
Who serves on the Board of Directors and how can they be reached?
Members of the Board of Directors can be viewed on the Board of Directors page and they can reached by email at [email protected].
How do I submit an application for external work to be performed on my property?
Applications for exterior work can either be submitted electronically or via email. Homeowners are reminded that work should not be performed prior to approval from the Board is received. Not all exterior work requires an application – review the table to determine whether or not your proposed project will require an application.
Where are the Covenants located?
The Covenants, formally the “Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions Applicable to all Property in Gatling Pointe”, are located on the Important Documents page under the Ruling tab.
There are two versions – one unsigned that is intended to assist with searching for items and the other the official, signed document which is used for authoritative purposes.
When does the Board of Directors meet?
The Board of Directors meets the fourth Monday of each month to discuss matters that impact the Community, as well as offer Homeowners the ability to discuss matters that are important to them via the Homeowners Forum. The schedule of meetings, as well as other events, is located on the Calendar of Events page.
How do I receive emails from the Board of Directors?
Homeowners can sign up to receive emails by submitting a request to be added to the email distribution list.